The Phase-EQ is the first and only distribution automation device that can balance power flow between the three wires (or phases) of a distribution circuit. The Phase-EQ technology uses patented power electronics that enable control of power flow between phases in a three-phase circuit. It is a shunt device sitting out on the circuit, that exchanges real and reactive power between the phases.

The Phase-EQ is a foundational solution that solves costly chronic problems in the supply of electricity while hardening the grid for future challenges. Electric utilities are faced with the challenge of providing reliable, resilient electricity supply on a least-cost basis. Today, utility executives must choose across a wide range of programs and equipment to deliver the best results for their members or ratepayers. This means considering reliability, resiliency, capital costs, operational costs, efficiency, and future-proofing the grid for distributed solar and electric vehicles. The Switched Source Phase-EQ provides distribution automation technology that will positively impact all of these areas.
Operational Impacts
- Reduce OpEx by automating the tedious manual process of balancing laterals on feeders
- Eliminate the need for costly, resource intensive three-phase “line extensions”
- Improved power quality for mission critical, large customer loads
- Improved distribution system energy efficiency and savings
- Increased renewable/distributed energy resource and electric vehicle hosting capacity
- Volt VAr Optimization Phase imbalance limits the efficacy of VVO, the Phase- EQ has been shown to increase VVO performance by more than 30%.
Technology Applications
The Phase-EQ is installed along the feeder in shunt with the distribution circuit. The equipment gives utilities dynamic, dispatchable control of power from phase to phase in three-phase systems. This balancing can be automated to make all power downstream of the device appear as perfectly balanced three-phase power to the upstream system. The Phase-EQ can also be given measurements for a different point in the feeder to “virtually” balance to that point.
Reliability & Resiliency: Automated re-routing of power in the wake of faults to maintain nominal three-phase and single-phase supply to large and small customers alike.
Capital Efficiency: Automated balancing and reconfiguration of the grid to increase load serving capability and reduce stress on substations or lines, avoiding costly system overhauls, reconductoring, and the OpEx / outages associated with balancing laterals.
DER Connectivity: Increased renewable/distributed energy resource hosting capacity up to 2X (solar, wind, electric vehicles).
Upgrade Deferrals: Eliminate the need for three-phase line extensions along single-phase laterals.
Electric Vehicle Integration: Increase load serving capability by spreading single-phase loads evenly across the three phases of a circuit.
EPRI Demonstration Project Overview
The objective of this Switched Source collaborative demonstration project with hosts Ameren and EPRI, was to investigate the techno-economic benefits of deploying the Phase-EQ for dynamic phase balancing on distribution feeders. The project was divided into three components: identifying the severity of phase imbalance issues, capturing the technical capabilities of the Phase-EQ device, and performing cost-benefit analysis.